Our Philosophy

Al Iman College Early Learning Centre (AIC ELC) aims to prepare children for their life-long learning journey. We do this by using the Victorian Early Years Learning Framework (VEYLDF) in line with Islamic values.

Our goal is to develop individuals who are well balanced spiritually, physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and environmentally.

Role of Environment

We provide children with challenging , open ended learning environments that are enhanced by the indoor and outdoor environments . We aim to create a relaxed, supportive and safe place for children to grow and explore while practising their Islamic values.

Children are Connected

Educators will have high expectations of children’s capacities and potentials, and will work with them to co-construct knowledge through play based learning strategies. Children are encouraged to be empathetic and caring by working in small and large groups, and engaging in activities that will embrace diversity.

At AIC ELC, educators will support children to take risks in their learning as we believe that collaborative learning through trial and error promotes toleration, long term learning attributes such as cooperation, persistence and confidence.

Families as Partners

We view education as a relationship among three protagonists; child, educator and parent. Positive exchange and dialogue is valued between children, educators and parents. We encourage families to partner with the educational team to enrich the lives of their children and to support their learning journey.

Educators are Role Models

The educators’ professional development is integrated into their work. Our educators will engage in ongoing professional development to ensure that our planning, preparation of materials are individualised and consistent with contemporary practices in Early Childhood Education. We see educators as role models who scaffold the children’s learning.
