
Unit 1

In this unit, students read and respond to texts analytically and creatively. They analyse arguments and the use of persuasive language in texts and create their own texts intended to position audiences. Students develop their skills in creating written, spoken and multimodal texts. The term ‘set text’ refers to texts chosen by the school for Areas of Study 1 in Units 1 and 2.

Unit 2

In this unit students compare the presentation of ideas, issues and themes in texts. They analyse arguments presented and the use of persuasive language in texts and create their own texts intended to position audiences. Students develop their skills in creating written, spoken and multimodal texts. The term ‘set text’ refers to texts chosen by the school for Area of Study 1 in Units 1 and 2.

Unit 3

In this unit students read and respond to texts analytically and creatively. They analyse arguments and the use of persuasive language in texts.

Unit 4

In this unit students compare the presentation of ideas, issues and themes in texts. They create an oral presentation intended to position audiences about an issue currently debated in the media.
